Vietnam Malaria map

Before you travel, it is important to know whether there is Malaria in Vietnam and in which areas. What do you have to do to protect yourself? Do you need Malaria tablets? In addition, mosquitoes in Vietnam can also transmit other diseases such as Dengue (dengue fever) and the Ziga. Here you can read everything about malaria and mosquitoes in Vietnam, but before you travel, it is also important to ask your doctor for advice.=

Do you need Malaria tablets in Vietnam?

Do you need Malaria tablets in Vietnam? And what are the malaria areas in Vietnam? This is important to know, because malaria is a serious infectious disease that occurs in many parts of Africa, Asia and South America. If you are going to Vietnam, it is important to inform you about the current advice on malaria in Vietnam. Malaria advice may vary from region to region in Vietnam and many places have a malaria season. Check the Vietnam malaria map to see if you visit an area where malaria occurs during your Vietnam trip.

Areas with malaria are largely restricted to the rural regions bordering Laos and Cambodia, the central highlands and provinces south of Ho Chi Minh City. In urban areas such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the Mekong Delta and the coastal plains, there is a low risk of malaria. Anti-malaria medication like Malaria tablets and Standby can be recommended to people who visit risk areas off the beaten track, but for those who stay on the tourist paths between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City along the coast, consider whether the side effects of anti-malaria drugs are worth it. It can be useful to take a Standby Emergency Treatment of Malaria with you, especially if you leave the beaten track. Consult your doctor for advice.

Malaria Mosquitoes are mainly active in the evening, at night and in the early morning. The risk of malaria is reduced by wearing long-sleeved clothes and trousers. An insect repellent with DEET is also advisable, as is the use of a mosquito net. In case of fever during or after stay in a malaria area, it is important to visit a doctor within 24 hours.

Malaria Vietnam

Vietnam malaria map

The map gives a global overview of malaria in Vietnam. You should always get profession advise about malaria measures, because the choice of anti-malaria depends on your personal circumstances, such as your health, duration of your stay and other factors.

Malaria map Vietnam


Dengue is a virus infection that is also transmitted by mosquitoes. The disease causes fever, muscle and joint pain. The mosquitoes occur mainly in and around urban areas. There is no vaccination or drug against dengue. It is important to protect yourself against mosquito bites by good anti-mosquito measures. Avoid places with still water, this is where the dengue mosquitoes are breeding. The mosquitoes sting especially during the day. Therefore wear clothes and use anti-mosquito repellent agents (with DEET).

Zika virus

The same mosquito that spreads dengue can also transmit the Zika virus. Southeast Asia is one of the places where the Zika virus was found, but you can’t call it an epidemic. The country most affected is Thailand with only seven cases between 2012 and 2014 and Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines have reported one case of the Zika virus since 2010.

Tips protection against mosquitoes in Vietnam

  • Use anti-mosquito products with DEET to prevent you from being stung.
  • Wear long sleeves and trousers in light colors. Mosquitoes are more interested in dark clothing.
  • Sleep under a mosquito net (if present).
  • Choose accommodation with windows and fans or air conditioning.
  • Stay clean, because mosquitoes get into body odor and sweat.
  • Sweet scented perfumes in soap, shampoo and lotion will attract more bite.

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Local tip! You might like these experiences

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