Best time to visit Ban Gioc Waterfall

A quick overview

Ban Gioc Waterfall weather

During the best time to visit Ban Gioc Waterfall, from October to April, the average temperatures range from 10 to 25°C (50 to 77°F), with relatively low humidity and infrequent rainfall. However, temperatures can drop significantly at night, so it’s advisable to bring warm clothing. Additionally, the strong winds near the waterfall can make it feel even colder, so wearing a windbreaker or jacket is recommended.

Ban Gioc Waterfall seasons

The best time to visit Ban Gioc is during the dry season, from October to April, which is considered the tourist high season. The peak season is from December to February, when many Vietnamese tourists visit during the Lunar New Year holiday. During this time, the waterfall and surrounding areas can be crowded with tourists, and accommodation prices may be higher.

The low season in Ban Gioc is during the rainy season from May to September when the weather is hot and humid, and rainfall is frequent. This period is not the best time to visit the waterfall, as the water flow may be weaker, and the surrounding landscapes may be less picturesque due to the cloud cover. However, this can be a good time to visit if you prefer fewer crowds and lower prices.

Harvest season in Ban Gioc usually occurs in September and October when the rice paddies in the surrounding areas turn golden, making for a beautiful sightseeing experience. If you’re interested in seeing the rice harvest, it’s best to visit during this period, although it can be more crowded with tourists.

Ban Gioc Waterfall best time to visit

The best months to visit Ban Gioc Waterfall are from October to April, which is the dry season in Northern Vietnam. During this period, the weather is cool and dry, and the waterfall is at its fullest and most impressive. Additionally, this is the best time to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring the surrounding landscapes. While the peak season from December to February can be crowded with tourists, visiting during the shoulder season in October-November or March-April may be more enjoyable.

Ban Gioc Waterfall per month

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