Cancellation and travel conditions

Cancellation policy

Cancellations complete round trips & building block travel

Days to departurePercentage of the travel sum
Up to 42 days15%
42 to 21 days30%
21 to 14 days50%
14 to 5 days75%
5 to after departure day90%

* Domestic flights cannot be canceled

When the traveler feels unsafe to travel to Vietnam due to political unrest, natural disasters or epidemics, the following cancellation condition applies in consultation:

  • Maximum costs according to the standard cancellation conditions.
  • Extra: For each component (accommodation / activity / transfer), the amount that can be canceled is checked in order to arrive at the minimum cancellation costs for the traveler.

Cancellations of multi-day tours

Days to start tourPercentage of the tour
Up to 15 days20%
Up to 8 days30%
up to 3 days50%
2 days or later100%

Cancellations day tours

Days to start tourPercentage of the tour
Up to 10 dagen10%
Up to 5 days25%
Up to 3 days50%
2 days or later100%

Unused services

It is not possible to give a refund for unused services such as meals, accommodation or activities as indicated in the tour description.

In case the customer decides to leave the tour during the tour, no refund is possible.

Payment fees

The payment fees charged by payment services and banks are non-refundable.

Valid travel documents
The customer is responsible for carrying all required travel documents such as a visa and a valid passport. If the customer cannot make the trip due to the lack of these travel documents, the costs are for his / her account.

Force of the majority

In case of force majeure, the provider reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the tour.

Force majeure in this case means: War, social unrest, natural disasters, delays, fire or other damage to vehicles, bankruptcy of carriers and service providers associated with the tour.

Special requests

The customer must notify the provider of any special requests (eg ground floor accommodation, adapted meals, etc.) at the time of booking. The provider will process these requests but cannot offer any guarantees.

Liability and insurance

The provider is not liable for damage to or loss of property, extra expenses resulting from delays, accidents, natural disasters or political unrest. The customer is responsible for having travel insurance. It is the customer’s responsibility to be aware of the contents of the policy.

Complaints during the tour

If the customer has a complaint about the execution of a tour, he / she must inform the provider at the moment the complaint arises so that a solution can be sought. If a shortcoming cannot be resolved on site, the customer has the option to submit it no later than 7 days after the tour has ended. Complaints that have not been reported on site cannot be processed after the tour.

Change booking

The main booker can contact us to change a booking. Depending on the nature of the change, costs may be charged.

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